Fully Parametric Revit Families Library

Fully Parametric Revit Families Library

New Library added in our store

Hi there,

We thought you would like know that we have recently added an expanding new library to our store with fully parametric Revit Family Models.

Revit library will keep expanding with a goal to cover all imaginable necessary and much needed Revit families at the lowest reasonable prices. Library includes families for doors, windows, curtain walls, generic models, fixtures and fittings, structural columns, railings.

Trough the next few months you will notice our Revit family expanding to cover a wide variety of families that we think architects, engineers and interior designers need in order to maximise productivity and help save time with every design. For this reason, all of our famlies are fully parametric to allow users adjust models to their design requirements.

Even though the web is flooding with free revit families, our goal is to provide high quality, fully parametric functional families that work and actually help save time.

Revit version used to create these families is Revit 2022. Remember that revit families are not backwards compatible and they can only be used with version 2022 and higher.

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